Parker Copper Property is road accessible and located 20 km west of Cranbrook, British Columbia.
In September 2018, an extensive horizon of sediment hosted copper mineralization was discovered while prospecting for gold on PJX’s Eddy Property. The favourable mineralized horizon extends beyond the Eddy Property boundary. In order to obtain additional favourable geology, over 6,000 hectares of new mineral claims were staked. This new area is called the Parker Copper Property, in memory of Somerset Parker (PJX Director) who passed away unexpectedly during the Summer of 2018.
Exploration Potential
Strata-bound, disseminated, and fracture controlled copper sulphide mineralization, including chalcocite, bornite, and chalcopyrite, occur over a 2 metre thick stratigraphic horizon comprised of thin to medium bedded greenish-grey argillite-siltite and fine-grained quartzite within the meso-Proterozoic Middle Creston Formation (Fm) rocks. The Middle Creston Fm host rock is correlative with the Revett Fm of Montana and Idaho which hosts sedimentary Copper-Silver deposits at Spar Lake, Rock Creek, and Montanore.
The copper mineralized horizon has been traced along strike for over 800 meters and appears to follow a sulphide/gangue mineral zonation pattern with a distal chalcopyrite-pyrite-carbonate zone developed west of the main showing area. The mineralized zone is spatially related to a recently recognized syn-sedimentary fault system parallel to the Old Baldy Fault system.
Next Steps
This significant new copper discovery has never been explored, even though it occurs at surface in the historical Sullivan mining camp.
The copper mineralized horizon is open in all directions. PJX has staked over 15 kilometres of favourable geology with potential for sediment-hosted-copper deposits.
Given the success of prospecting to date on the property, additional prospecting, as well as, mapping and geophysics will be undertaken to identify targets to test by drilling.